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11 simple and delicious recipes for your homegrown apples and berries

You’ve cared for your plants, harvesting time is here and you’ve now got an abundance of apples, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries – what do you do with them all? 

We’ve searched high and low to find 11 delicious and simple looking recipes that will go down a treat.   

Apples - Some varieties of apple will be ready to harvest already and picking season will continue until November. Finding out whether your apples are ready to harvest or not couldn’t be easier: place your hand under the apple, lift and twist gently. If the apple won’t come away easily then it isn’t ready. 

To make apple picking easier, we offer an apple picker which is gentle and really useful for tall trees or apples you can’t quite reach. Once you’ve picked your apples, store them in the fridge or somewhere cool. - 

Visit our Pinterest board for more delicious looking apple-based recipes.   

Berries In the UK our hedgerows are overflowing with berries at this time of year, so you don’t even need to grow your own! You can pick blueberries, blackberries and raspberries from early summer into autumn. In the autumn elderberries will also be ready to harvest. 

Whether you’re harvesting in your own garden or heading out to your local fields and hedgerows, our berry and currant picker is a gentle way to pick berries and currants without squashing them and is much faster than doing it by hand. 

You can freeze berries so pick plenty, stick them in the freezer and then you’ve got a supply throughout the year. 


Visit our Pinterest board to see more delicious recipes you can make using your own berries. All of this talk of tasty recipes has made us hungry. Feel free to share your apple and berry recipes in the comments.